Framework Contract Success for Landell Mills
Landell Mills is pleased to announce the award of multiple EU-funded projects under the SIEA LOT 1 framework contract.
Our team led implementation of several important programme evaluations in 2021, including:
- Evaluation finale du Projet d'Appui à la Résilience Climatique pour un Développement Agricole Durable
Our expert team provided an independent evaluation of the Climate Resilience Support Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development (PARC-DAD), which aims to strengthen the capacity of national actors in Niger at various levels to manage rural development in a more integrated, sustainable and climate-resilient manner. - Final Evaluation of Sugar Sector Interventions in Eswatini, which assessed the past performance of the EU measures in the sugar sector, paying particular attention to results measured against expected objectives, and the reasons underpinning such results.
- Mid-term Review of the Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme (ongoing)
Our team will evaluate ZAGP, which aims to put in place a sector governance and service delivery framework conducive to the development of inclusive, commercial and green agriculture value chains while also supporting specific commercial and inclusive livestock-based value chains.
In early 2022, our FWC team will also oversee the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Livestock Support Programme in Namibia, building on our experience implementing Technical Assistance of Consulting Engineers for Works Contracts, together with our in-house Environment and Water Division and specialist sub-contractor Burmeister. Our largest SIEA Lot 1 contract yet, this project will deliver construction design and supervision services to the rehabilitation and/or construction of facilities across 20 different sites covering the 8 regions of the Northern Communal Areas, including feedlots, animal handling and meat processing facilities, artificial insemination centres, and agricultural development centres.
Our Marketing and Communications team oversee management of Communication and Visibility of the AGRI-CONNECT Programme; this project will provide strategic guidance and support in setting up the AGRI-CONNECT communication strategy, increasing communication and visibility of the EU in Tanzania, and harmonisation of communication platforms.
In 2022, our team will be implementing a variety of projects, including Technical assistance to Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change to implement the provisions of the Climate Change Act 2020 in the Republic of Mauritius (led by consortium partner Linpico), Green Development Pathways and Jobs for Atewa Forest, Ghana, as well as Formulation Mission of a Regional Programme on Ocean Governance in West Africa (together with consortium partner Danish Energy Management).
We look forward to continuing our successful cooperation with our consortium partners, EU representatives, and beneficiaries in 2022. We also thank all our selected and hard-working experts for the successful completion of our projects such as Mangrove Forest Reserves, Guyana; Support to IPARD Managing Authority and IPARD Agency with the implementation of IPARD measures; Mid-term Evaluation of the two phases of the BIOPAMA Programme: BIOPAMA I - Protected Area Component of the 10th EDF Intra-ACP and BIOPAMA II of the 11th EDF Intra-ACP; EVALUATION FINALE ENV/2013/24318 – AMCC-Réduction de la vulnérabilité climatique à São Tomé et Príncipe; and EUROCLIMA+: Mid-Term Evaluation. Thanks also to the Framework Division team, our experts, and the wider Landell Mills staff for their support.
If you would like to take part in projects with Landell Mills under the SIEA LOT 1 framework and you have expertise in sustainable management of natural resources and related thematic areas, please email our FWC team at with your up-to-date CV, and we will get in touch for future opportunities.