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Kabul Managed Aquifer Recharge project features at two international water conferences

News 29.10.18 Afghanistan Environment, water, climate change and disaster risk reduction

Consultants and beneficiaries of the Kabul Managed Aquifer Recharge Project (KMARP) recently presented at two international conferences in South Korea and the Philippines. They highlighted how the project, funded by the Asian Development Bank and managed by Landell Mills, is addressing declining groundwater levels in Kabul.

45th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, South Korea - September 2018


Two of Landell Mills' consultants presented at the congress which was made up of nine technical sessions related to the theme: Groundwater and Life: Science and Technology into Action. Additionally, the project funded four Afghan Government officials to attend and learn about groundwater management topics.

Hugh Klein's presentation Managed Aquifer Recharge and Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Kabul, Afghanistan gave an overview of the declining groundwater levels in Kabul and how the project will pilot Managed Aquifer Recharge technology to address the issues. Managed Aquifer Recharge is the intentional recharge of water to aquifers (underground layers of water-bearing permeable rock) under controlled conditions.

His presentation Managed Aquifer Recharge and Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Kabul, Afghanistan discussed the problems surrounding groundwater availability in Kabul and how ADB funding is helping the government address the issues through pilot Managed Aquifer Recharge technology.

The Asia Water Forum 2018 was held at the Asian Development Bank Headquarters in Manila and focussed on the theme of Information, Innovation, and Technology. It provided a platform for sharing knowledge and experience on water information, innovation, and technology. 800 delegates attended the event, including government, donor, multi-national bank, NGO and private sector participants.

Visit the KMARP website and find out more here:

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