Landell Mills awarded contract under SEA 2023
We are pleased to announce that Landell Mills has recently been awarded a new contract, as part of a consortium, under SEA 2023 Lot 7 – Micro-Economic Analysis, Investment Climate, Private Sector, Trade and Employment. The contract is titled Structural Separation of Accounts in Key State-Owned Enterprises to Align with EU State Aid Rules and will be implemented by our consortium partner, NTU.
The Structural Separation of Accounts in Key State-Owned Enterprises to Align with EU State Aid Rules contract has a value of €1,000,000, funded by the European Union Delegation (EUD) to Ukraine. The contract will last for 14 months, and has a global objective to assist Ukraine to implement the reform of the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector as foreseen in the Ukraine Plan.
SOEs are essential for Ukraine’s economy, but face challenges due to inefficient management and political interference. As of 2023, Ukraine has 3,116 SOEs, but only 27% are operational and 15% are profitable. Issues affecting operations and profits include unclear policies, lack of oversight, and weak corporate governance. Reforms within the sector aim to reduce political meddling, modernise SOEs, curb corruption, and attract foreign investment.