Landell Mills Shortlisted for British Expertise International SME Business of the Year Award 2020
Landell Mills has been shortlisted for the International SME Business of the Year Award as part of the British Expertise International Awards 2020. The awards recognise and celebrate the best of UK expertise in international development, infrastructure and capacity building. This year, the British Expertise International awards will promote the value of British expertise globally, following Brexit and a push for a global Britain. The winners will be announced on the 21st of October at the Virtual Celebration and Networking Event.
The International SME Business of the Year award recognises business that have achieved remarkable success in the international arena. The award will be made to the UK organisation that is judged to have achieved the most impressive overall business performance internationally during 2019, with fewer than 250 employees. Judging will be based on the clarity of international strategy, achievement of revenue and provision of a strong case study.
Landell Mills has been shortlisted for this award alongside ABE, HR Wallingford, Crown Agents Bank and The International Governance & Risk Institute (Govrisk).
Find out more about the awards here.