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Landell Mills wins contract to improve EU visibility in Nigeria

News 13.09.19 Nigeria Communications and knowledge management

Landell Mills has been contracted by the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS to implement the: Technical Assistance to improve EU Visibility in Policy Areas and Development Cooperation. The contract will run for three years and has a total value of €1,249,000.

Landell Mills' expert team will improve EU visibility and increase the awareness amongst the Nigerian population on the role of the EU and its contributions to development in Nigeria. The contract covers EU interventions in the following fields: education; political dialogue; cultural expression; economic diplomacy and gender.

Various activities will be carried out to improve outreach to a wider audience, including the organisation of events, media engagement, audio-visual production and the design of visibility products.

Erasmus+ Scholarship awardees at the Erasmus+ Pre-departure Orientation

So far under the contract, Landell Mills' expert team has supported the EU Delegation in the organisation of the Erasmus+ Pre-departure Orientation in Abuja on August 8th, which was followed by a reception hosted by the EU Ambassador to Nigeria, Ketil Karlsen.

The event brought together 40 Nigerians who have received the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarships starting in the 2019 academic year and prepared them for their travels and studies in Europe.

Alumni of Erasmus+ and representatives of the EU Member States shared experiences with the new scholars and provided useful tips on what to expect from the opportunity through presentations on the EU Institutions, the EU's engagement with Nigeria, and a panel discussion.

You can watch a short film about the event here:

Landell Mills' expert team has also supported the EU Delegation in the organisation of the event 'Transforming Education: Rethinking the Present' held in Lagos on 20th August. It marked International Youth Day and was organised in partnership with Junior Chamber International Nigeria. Over 1,000 people attended and the keynote speaker was the EU Ambassador.

The event examined how government, young people and youth-led organisations are transforming education and how these efforts are contributing to the achievement of 2030 Agenda.

Transforming Education: Rethinking the Present event

The contract is being implemented by Landell Mills' Marketing, Communications and Knowledge Management Division. Find out more about Landell Mills' communication projects here:

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