Landell Mills wins ROM Global Contract
After the successful completion of DG DEVCO Results Oriented Monitoring contract Lot 3 for the Asia/Pacific region, Landell Mills is delighted to confirm that we have been awarded DG DEVCO's Global Lot 1 Results Oriented Monitoring contract covering all centrally thematic interventions, as well as the geographic regions of Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, together with our partners ICCS (lead), Komis, Ecorys and AETS.
Always a pleasure to work with the ROM team… always friendly and professional, making every effort possible to help out when needed.”
— ROM Monitor, responding to LM internal survey, May 2018
”ROM Lot 3 Asia / Pacific
Over the course of the previous four-year ROM contract (closed in April 2019), Landell Mills completed 1,379 monitoring assignments for which we mobilised approximately 100 (long- and short-term) experts, who carried out 510 ROM project or programme reviews and 869 results reporting reviews covering 11,637 indicators. Drawing on support from Landell Mills' project offices, the team was able to carry out reviews with logistical and security support even in locations that were insecure or politically volatile at the time, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan and Yemen. Over the course of the contract 60 multi-country (or regional) reviews were carried out as well as ROM reviews of budget support operations and ROM reviews of blending operations.
This was all made possible thanks to the commitment, dedication and expertise of the core team, based in Brussels, who prepared the workplan in liaison with the EC, provided logistical and pastoral support to our short-term experts and provided QC and consolidated the analysis drawn from the reviews, bringing together inputs from dedicated Key Experts working remotely. With their support, missions have been carried out in 32 countries in the Asia/Pacific region across 38 DAC sectors, from human rights to climate change. We are also grateful to all the experts who have carried out short-term missions, many of whom have supported the contract throughout its four-year duration
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all again for your support and hard work. We look forward to working with many of you again and working with new medium experts in the region as well as specialists in the new regions covered by the upcoming ROM contract.
For those interested in ROM and Results Reporting assignments in Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean regions, please get in touch by emailing More details about these opportunities are available here.