Technical assistance for the monitoring, knowledge sharing and visibility of the regional programme ECOFAC 6
2017 - 2023
The ECOFAC 6 (Preserving Biodiversity and Fragile Ecosystems in Central Africa) programme supported sixteen protected areas, including eight priority conservation landscapes. It spanned Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, and Sao Tome and Principe.

The programme aimed to promote a green economy characterised by locally established economic development in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Its focus was more effective protection of the diverse and fragile ecosystems of Central Africa, taking into account sustainable management of ecosystem services.
The regional support implemented by Landell Mills focused on knowledge exchange at the local, national, and regional level. This was achieved through strengthening stakeholders’ knowledge-sharing systems, as well as capitalising on and replicating innovative approaches.
ECOFAC 6 supported the following areas:
- monitoring activities under the regional programme component;
- creating synergies between programme components so that stakeholders benefitted from crosscutting activities at regional level; and
- keeping the regional steering committee and other high-level meetings informed on lessons learnt.
Landell Mills supported knowledge-sharing on issues encountered within the protected areas. These included biodiversity losses from anthropogenic activities such as elephant poaching, increasing pressure on ecosystems from livelihood activities, poor forestry practices, logging, and mining.
Support was provided to political appeals for the conservation of biodiversity at the regional level. The Regional Steering Committee and the National Steering Committees drove evidence-based political commitments on the major issues and challenges facing the sector. These included:
- poaching,
- implementation of cross-border-cooperation agreements,
- the environmental impact of the extractives industry,
- livelihood activities of the local population,
- issues around the rights of indigenous groups, and
- creation of new transboundary protected areas.
Landell Mills provided a range of services under the programme, including strategic communications, event management, production of communication materials, media relations, copywriting, editing, and graphic design.
Supported 16 protected areas
Including 8 priority conservation landscapes
Spanned 7 countries in Central Africa
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, and Sao Tome and Principe
Range of services provided
Including strategic communications, event management, and media relations

Strategic communications
A communication strategy and visibility action plan targeting stakeholders from the programme’s seven beneficiary states was developed, which included a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis; identification of target audiences; and proposed communication actions for specific groups including decision makers, environmental actors, local populations, the general public, and the media. All communications complied with the EU communication and visibility guidelines.
Event management
Landell Mills organised and promoted awareness-raising workshops and technical seminars to encourage stakeholder engagement, and organised participation in international events – such as the European Development Days – to represent the programme and increase its visibility to an audience of development professionals.
Events organised by Landell Mills under the programme include:
- national meetings for the ECOFAC 6 Regional Steering Committee, including logistics and management of invitation lists;
- the regional steering committee event, including logistics, management of invitation lists, production of visibility items, and media coverage; and
- the high-level celebration of the 30-year anniversary of ECOFAC.

Production of communication materials
A range of communication materials was produced under the programme, including:
- a regular e-newsletter;
- short video clips to demonstrate impact;
- knowledge briefs and infographics summarising project themes and lessons learned; and
- visibility items, including flyers, roll-ups, leaflets, and factsheets.
Communications products were made available to political decision-makers, the general public, the media, technical experts, and researchers.
Media relations
Landell Mills organised press conferences and press releases on topics related to the project. Links were established with national and international media.
Other media relations activities included organisation of press tours in protected areas with journalists, and promotion of the programme and its activities on social media channels, including Facebook.
Copywriting, editing and graphic design
Landell Mills developed a programme logo and visual identity; banners; posters; and branded visibility products including pens, calendars, and USB sticks. Support was provided for the development of design, layout, and content for existing, relevant websites such as L'Observatoire des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (OFAC), to disseminate information about the programme.
For more information on the programme, visit the ECOFAC 6 website.