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Landell Mills and GAIN produce a Global Mapping Study on Food Fortification

News 23.06.17 Agriculture, fisheries, food security and nutrition

Landell Mills and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) have produced the first edition of a comprehensive Global Mapping Study on food fortification on behalf of the European Commission. The study focusses on industrial-scale programmes for fortification of staple foods and condiments, as well as bio-fortification projects. It will help key actors improve their understanding of the main features of food fortification, including key strategic concerns and operational challenges.

The study has been produced under the service contract "Food Fortification Advisory Service" (2FAS). This advisory service forms part of the European Commission's efforts to scale-up food fortification in order to contribute to the eradication of vitamin and mineral deficiency disorders among vulnerable populations globally.

The study serves as a reference document for nutrition focal points within the European Commission and EU Delegations, as well as for the wider audience, such as nutrition and food security professionals and decision-makers.

The next version will include fortified products for nutrition target groups (complementary foods for young child feeding and other products) and home-level fortification.

Please download the Global Mapping Study 2016 here.