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Our projects

832 projects found
Project Russia

01/01/93 - 01/01/95

Study of the Milk and Fresh Produce sectors and Privatisation of Sovkhozes
Project Sri lanka

01/01/93 - 01/12/93

Pre-Feasibility Study for Fruit & Vegetables in the North West Province
Project Poland

01/01/93 - 01/08/93

Czorsztyn Dam Environmental Assessment and Mitigation Project
Project Azerbaijan

01/06/92 - 01/07/92

Food Production and Distribution Mission
Project Russia

01/01/92 - 01/01/94

Technical Assistance in the Meat, Milk, Fresh Produce and Bakery Sector
Project Ukraine

01/01/92 - 01/01/94

Short & Medium Term Technical Assistance in the Meat, Milk, Fruit, Veg
Project Maldives

01/01/92 - 01/01/94

FPID Restructuring Management Consultancy
Project Romania

01/01/92 - 01/01/93

Technical Assistance to the Romanian Development Agency
Project Malawi

01/01/92 - 01/01/93

Macadamia Nut Production and Marketing Study
Project Hungary

01/01/92 - 31/12/92

Training Programme for State Property Agency (SPA)