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Project feasibility
and design

We support clients at early stages of the project cycle covering programming, identification, and, in particular, formulation (feasibility and design). This is done in a participatory manner ensuring adequate stakeholder consultation and participation. To determine project feasibility we typically undertake assessments of the following areas:

  • Technical feasibility – what is the evidence base that the proposed technology works; are lower cost or more innovative solutions available; has the investment been designed in a robust manner?
  • Social and poverty analysis – how to maximise social benefits and minimise social risks; determining baseline data to monitor social impacts; undertaking gender analysis to design interventions that improve gender equality.
  • Economic and financial feasibility - including demand analysis, alternative and least cost analysis, cost-benefit analysis (typically economic and financial rates of return analysis (EIRR and FIRR)), sensitivity analysis, distribution and poverty impact ratio analysis.
  • Sustainability – who will undertake operation and maintenance (O&M), how will O&M costs be covered, and what is the track record of the management entity in undertaking and financing O&M?
  • Governance – does the implementing agency / operator have the resources and track record to implement the project? What is the most efficient and effective governance structure for the investment? Procurement and financial management assessments of the executing / implementing agencies are typically undertaken.
  • Safeguards – covering environmental, involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples. Identifying potential impacts, and designing plans to avoid, minimize, mitigate or compensate for potential adverse impacts; ensuring affected persons are informed and consulted.
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation – determining likely climate change impacts on the project; assessing ways to improve the climate resilience of investments and contribute to climate change mitigation.
  • Risk assessment and mitigation.

We have undertaken feasibility of projects ranging from small grants to sovereign loan investments in excess of US$ 200 million.

Project examples